XENA Pricing


Xena Standard Film Scanner and Datacine.  Includes Xena Host Software, Scanner Chassis, Basic Transport and Illumination System, Capstan Drive, and 35mm and 16mm continuous feed gates with perforation stabilization windows.  Includes Imperx 12MP CMOS camera with Cameralink Frame Grabber and Schneider Makro Symmar 80mm/F5.6 Lens ……………………………………………………………….$89,500.00


Cintel Ursa Conversion Scanner & Datacine.*  Includes Xena Host Software, Cintel Ursa Chassis and Capstan Transport System (Fully Restored), Cintel 35mm and Super 16mm Modified Gates, Xena Advanced Transport Controller and Basic LED Illumination Controller and Lamphouse.  Includes Imperx 12MP CMOS camera with Cameralink Frame Grabberand Schneider Makro Symmar 80mm/F5.6 lens …………$79,500.00


Cintel Mark III Conversion Scanner & Datacine.*  Includes Xena Host Software, Cintel Ursa Chassis and Capstan Transport System (Fully Restored), Cintel 35mm and Super 16mm Modified Gates, Xena Advanced Transport Controller and Basic LED Illumination Controller and Lamphouse.  Includes Imperx 12MP CMOS camera and Schneider Makro Symmar 80mm/F5.6 lens …………………………………$72,500.00

*Cintel Standalone Scanners Subject to Availability.



Cintel Ursa Retrofit Kit.  For 2nd Generation Ursa, Ursa Gold, Ursa Diamond, and Y-Front. Includes the following:

  • XENA Host Scanning Software (Windows 32/64 Bit)
  • XENA Control Module System For Cintel with Standard LED Controller
  • RGB LED Lamphouse with Ursa Mounting Plate
  • Servo Controller & Amplifier (Works With Cintel Capstan or DCS Servo)
  • Ursa Center Rack Panel Mounting Kit
  • Cintel Camera/Lens Chamber Assembly**
  • Load/Normal Switch Assembly and Breakout Cable
  • Spooling Motor Harness Cable***
  • Capstan Motor Control Cable***
  • Does NOT Include host computer, gates, camera, frame grabber or lens.

     Total Ursa Retrofit Kit Price……………………………………..$27,500.00


Cintel Mark III Retrofit Kit.  Same as Ursa, but For Mark III, Turbo, Turbo 2, and First Generation Ursa………………………………………………………..$26,000.00


Oxberry Optical Printer Retrofit Kit.  For current generation Oxberry 35/16mm projector transports.  Contact us for other projector types, as custom lamphouse and motor mounting may be required.  Includes:

  • XENA Host Scanning Software (Windows 32/64 Bit)
  • XENA 19″ Rackmount Standard LED & Motion Controller
  • RGB Lamphouse For Oxberry Mount
  • Nema Servo Motor with Encoder (Matches Oxberry Stepper Mounting)
  • Transport and Lamphouse Cables
  • Does NOT Include host computer, camera, frame grabber or lens.

Total Oxberry Retrofit Kit Price…………………………………….$22,500.00




Advanced LED Controller.  Provides dual LED control channels for separate RGB balance of color negative and print film when using color cameras.  All board settings are software configurable via the Xena Host software, including print/negative selection, shutter polarity Inversion, and internal/external trigger or exposure selection.  The Advanced LED Controller is also hardware ready for external scene-to-scene LED intensity control (future planned development)………………………………$4,500.00


Infrared Dirt Detection.  Optional fourth channel on the LED controller and lamphouse that captures a record of the physical dirt on color film stocks and embeds it into the alpha channel of the scan.  Recommended for use with monochrome cameras, but provides acceptable results with color sensors……………………………..$3,500.00


Xena Super 8mm Gate………………………………………………………..$3,500.00

Xena Regular 8mm Gate……………………………………………………..$3,250.00

Xena Chassis For Cintel Transport………………………………………..$9,500.00



Ursa/Mark III Install To Client-Owned System……………………………….$3,500.00

Replace Roller Bearings & Recondition Platter Spring System……………$650.00

Replace Cintel Spooling Amplifier Transistors……………………………….$400.00

Replace Cintel Traction Stablizer Electrolytic Capacitors…………………..$350.00

S16mm Gate Conversion From Cintel Curved 16mm Gate……………….$1,500.00

S16mm Gate Conversion From Cintel/Steadi Flat Field 16mm Gate………$850.00

35mm Gate Conversion From Cintel Curved 35mm Gate…………………$1,500.00

35mm Gate Conversion From Steadi Systems Flat Field 35mm Gate……$850.00

Super 8mm Gate Conversion From Cintel 16mm Gate…………………….$2500.00

Regular 8mm Gate Conversion From Cintel 16mm Gate…………………..$2200.00